Germanwings crash 4U9525: Must the negative image of Andreas Lubitz be regenerated?

Update from 27 September 2017

Unfortunately, the French video material is now on the Internet. It is a hackneyed advertising film for the partly fictional book by a crazy, fanatical, French reporter. In this video he walks near our house, the Düsseldorf apartment of Andreas, the cemetery, and finally in front of the BEA building in France. There, he finally removes his jacket to reveal the printed words on his T-shirt: “Skydevil”. Yet again base behaviour, for at the beginning of the accident reporting in 2015 it was claimed that Andreas logged on to the Internet under this name, “Skydevil”. This term has NEVER been used by Andreas and is one of the many falsehoods from the BILD newspaper in order to generate a negative picture in a sensational report.

Since the Frenchman in the video is too cowardly to use his real name he is known to us only under his pseudonym. In order not to jeopardize the initiated investigations, we will not name any names here and will not link to the video.

We had planned to offer today an article which would review Andreas’s medical history and its public misinterpretation, and this will appear soon. However, an event has recently occurred that takes precedence and we feel it should be reported immediately.

This event occurred on 13 September 2017 in the afternoon at about 4.30 p.m.
Scene of the incident: Residential area, Montabaur.
Three younger men with a film camera and a drone positioned themselves across the road from our home. One of the three proceeded to walk back and forth along the road in front of our residence while being filmed by the other two. After a while they realized we were observing their activities and they quickly decided it was time to leave.

As the men were retreating to their automobiles – two white cars: one a sports convertible with French plates – parked a short distance down the road we telephoned the police but were informed that no squad car was immediately available. We then made the decision to follow them in our own car in order to learn who they were and what they wanted.

We followed them some distance until the men stopped in the parking area of a parsonage. All three got out of their cars and approached ours. We remained inside and spoke to them through a gap in the passenger-side window. One of the men began speaking to us in French, to which we replied, “English, please.” He continued by asking, “What’s your problem?”

Our answer was a question of our own: “Why were you filming our house?“ The man appeared rather excited and demanded to know why we were upset and following them. He claimed that he was only a professor (but of what?) here on vacation with his students (because apparently our residential area is a holiday paradise par excellence!) and they were simply looking for a quiet area… (For what? To make unauthorised films with their drone?)

He also wanted to know what problem there was with our house and asked our names. We didn’t answer these questions, of course, and instead pointed out that it is not allowed to film private homes in residential areas (although it may be perfectly O.K. in France) and we drove away.

In summary:

  1. The French parked their cars on the border of our residential area, as other reporters have done over the last 2 ½ years.
  2. These reporters always position themselves in the driveway of the opposite house and, like the others over the previous 2 ½ years, begin filming our home.
  3. When they were discovered, they were suddenly in a hurry to disappear… like all the other reporters during the last 2 ½ years.

What is new is the attempt to explain their actions, but in a truly ridiculous manner. Now, of course, the question arises: by whom they were sent and what is their purpose?

Looking at the entire media landscape over the last half year, one thing about the Germanwings accident is clear, but very curious: Silence from all sides (except for the desperate petition by a victim’s relative who attempts to promote the fiendish image of Andreas and stir up new anger).

And now the French show up. Regardless of who sent them, we cannot escape the impression that the purpose is, again, to support and refresh the established negative image of Andreas via media reports and films. Enough of this nonsense has already been produced, often spiked with false facts and badly researched or manipulated.

Finally the police came to us, filed a report and gathered evidence.

We will continue to react to incidents of this kind, with or without police assistance.


L. U.

another article:

Maria W. – The ex-girlfriend who never existed